Sunday 10 May 2009

O is for...

"O" is for one way and extremely OVERDUE! I couldn't for the life of me figure out an "O" picture and then saw this one and went "Well DUH Anna!" So here we go... The weather here is either absolutely beautiful or is horrible. After days, and days of rain the sun is out and it's awesome. A nap in the sunshine sounds like a great plan for an afternoon. Unfortunately with finals starting this week and moving out of the dorm I have a pretty significant "to do" list and I'm not sure how close to the top a nap outside will rank. Oh well... 

Friday 24 April 2009

N is for...

"N" is for Nikon or N90 whichever you prefer. This is my newest toy (thanks to Christy). It's not digital but I want to take darkroom photography hopefully spring semester next year, it didn't work with my fall schedule :-(. So I've had it outside with me on some of the recent beautiful spring days recently. Haven't gotten any film developed yet so I'm interested to see how the pictures come out...

There are 2 weeks left before finals... AH! It's so hard to believe how quickly the last few months especially have gone. I'm now realizing how much I have to do before the end of May and I'm trying not to freak out too much about it. :-)

iTunes: Jesus was a Crossmaker by Rachael Yamagata 

Friday 20 March 2009

M is for...

"M" is for mallard. I had SO many shots of mallards and other ducks I was just about sick of them. Also, I couldn't decide which picture I liked more so I'm posting both...

Thursday 12 March 2009

L is for...

"L" is for library... A place that I probably should have been more last semester but definitely a place I've become more acquainted with the semester, something I should get used to. I am officially 15 hours, 2 classes, 1 quiz, and 2 handing in of assignments away from spring break. CAN'T WAIT!

Wednesday 11 March 2009

K is for...

"K" is for Kansas... Another letter than I had trouble finding a picture for but I thought this was a pretty accurate representation for it. I spent a week in Kansas back in January and had an awesome time with my younger cousins and my uncle. This is their house. I loved being able to spend time there and I love this shot with the sun the way it is... I think it looks so friendly and inviting just like the house and the people who live in it.

I can't wait for Friday to finally be here this week. I mean I always look forward to the weekend (what student doesn't?) but I've got a midterm tomorrow and then two things due for both of my Spanish classes on Friday. Needless to say at 3 o'clock on Friday afternoon I'm gonna breathe a huge sigh of relief.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

J is for...

"J" is for Jess! Jess is the one in the yellow shirt. I posted pictures before of her and Whitney back in the Fall here. "J" was definitely a difficult letter to find a shot for. So I was super excited when I came across this picture. I've got the next couple posts in my mind so hopefully they'll follow this one in the next few days if I have time between studying for my Thursday midterm... yuck!

Sunday 8 March 2009

I is for...

"I" is for ice! Since it's winter time this is probably the easiest letter so far... Or most difficult because I had so many shots to choose from. I really like this one with the ice and then the melted water. I've had a really fun weekend and the warm weather has been a definite bonus to it. I can't wait for Spring to REALLY be here!!!