I went to the zoo more times this summer than I have in a really longtime. I went when I was in London with 3 of the kids I was living with and then again with my two younger siblings after coming back to the states. In a time of my life where so much is up in the air and people start refering to me as an adult (which totally and completely FREAKS me out!) it was great to be able to go back to some place as simple as the zoo. I spent so much time there as a little kid and still I become excited about things like the otters swimming close to the glass or charging around an exibit with my little sister trying to find the tiger cubs.
These pictures are two of my favorites of the kids from when I was in London. The first is on our walk through Regent's Park on the way to the zoo and the second in the aquarium portion of the zoo. I love that one especially because it's so hard to get a candid picture of this little girl! Like most 3 year old girls she LOVES having her picture take so as soon as a camera is even in sight she gets the biggest (and sometimes very cheesy) smile on her face. I snapped this one when she didn't notice I had the camera out because she was so interested in the different colored fish.
iTunes: I believe by Franka Potente on the Run Lola Run Soundtrack
yes....i know that cheesy-smile girl well! thanks for posting these! i'm jealous..... :)
yes....i know that cheesy-smile girl well! thanks for posting these! i'm jealous..... :)
Yes, see, that's what happens when you go to a small liberal arts college like McDaniel... you don't have to be an art major to take art classes and you can do things like digital photography!
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